Blueberry smoothie

1 banana, peeled, cut into 5 pieces and frozen ( I do a bunch at a time and freeze them in a ziplock bag)
1 tablespoon all-bran (optional)
1 teaspoon peanut butter (optional)
as many blueberries as you like. I freeze them ahead to have them throughout the year
enough soy or almond milk to cover the fruit in the blender
Put your frozen banana pieces and frozen blueberries on a small plate and do a quick 30 second microwave thaw. If using fresh blueberries, hold them back.
Add your bran and peanut butter (if you like the idea) in the blender bottom, and then dump in your bananas and berries. Lots of options here: a little fresh ginger is nice, or strawberries make a nice mix.
Pour enough soy or almond milk over fruit until it's barely covered, and blend on high until smooth.
Pour into a generous glass and top with fresh blueberries.